
By Galvan E. Moonspider

Terribly limited to experience the myriad experiences life has to offer, I choose to not be limited to this one body of mine. But I cannot break out of this shell just yet, and thus, Onism has set in. It propels me to seek you because like me, you are an oversaturated Polaroid.

How so?

You are a snapshot of everything your life has been, and if one is observant enough to see, what it will be. A photographic reproduction of what tinges of one colour you have in your life, and you scream that out loud flamboyantly and proudly.

Interestingly, you and I and everybody else, are but paints left to dry, with no brush to mix them just the right way. In isolation, we scream one colour till it becomes what we are defined by. Nonetheless, the frustration of being Blue all the time does set in quickly, and we’ll start to wonder what the world would look like to person who is Red.

Until that precious moment in which one party comes to the other, irrevocably bleeding into the other’s world.

Have I told you about the moment? Our colours come alive, bursting with unspoken meanings and hidden undertones. More importantly than anything else, these aren’t the colours of the commonplace, the banal beiges that we put up to please. I can truly see the world as you see it and the same goes for you. We’ll look at each other, as if colour-blind before this, and truly see each other for what we are.

And we are painted poetry.